Friday, January 16, 2015

It's Caturday! Cat Facts You Won't Believe!

I drew this lovely cat using colored pencil.

Today is #CATURDAY! For cat lovers, here are some cool and awesome facts about cats. Meow!
  1. Around the world, cats take a break to nap —a catnap— 425 million times a day. 
  2. Outdoor cats' lifespan averages at about 3 to 5 years; indoor cats have lives that last 16 years or more.  
  3. A fingerprint is to a human as a nose is to a cat.
  4. Cats sleep 16 hours of any given day. 
  5. Sir Isaac Newton, among his many achievements, invented the cat "flap" door.  
  6. Caution during Christmas: poinsettias may be festive, but they’re poisonous to cats. 
  7. Cats came to the Americas from Europe as pest controllers in the 1750s.  
  8. A cat's heart beats nearly twice as fast as a human heart, about 110 to 140 beats per minute. This interesting fact is brought to you by Meow Mix® Cat Food. The only one cats ask for by name™.
  9. A cat's field of vision does not cover the area right under its nose.  
  10. Rather than nine months, cats' pregnancies last about nine weeks. 
  11. In one litter of kittens, there could be multiple "father" cats. 
  12. A cat can reach up to five times its own height per jump.  
  13. Each side of a cat's face has about 12 whiskers. 
  14. Genetically, cats' brains are more similar to that of a human than a dog's brain.  
  15. When a household cat died in ancient Egypt, its owners showed their grief by shaving their eyebrows. 
  16. Landing on all fours is something typical to cats thanks to the help of their eyes and special balance organs in their inner ear. These tools help them straighten themselves in the air and land upright on the ground.  
  17. Cats can pick up on your tone of voice, so sweet-talking to your cat has more of an impact than you think.
  18. A cat's heart beats almost double the rate of a human heart, from 110 to 140 beats per minute.  
  19. Collectively, kittens yawn about 200 million time per hour. 
  20. Cats have a strong aversion to anything citrus.
  21. It is important to include fat in your cat's diet because they're unable to make the nutrient in their bodies on their own.  
  22. A healthy 10-pound cat only needs about 220-350 calories a day, while a human needs roughly 2,000. This interesting fact is brought to you by Meow Mix® Cat Food. The only one cats ask for by name™. 
  23. Perhaps the oldest cat breed on record is the Egyptian Mau, which is also the Egyptian language's word for cat.  
  24. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), about 50 million of our cats are overweight.  
  25. Twenty-five percent of cat owners use a blow drier on their cats after bathing. 
  26. If you killed a cat in the ages of Pharaoh, you could've been put to death.  
  27. Unlike most other cats, the Turkish Van breed has a water-resistant coat and enjoys being in water. 
  28. Cats who eat too much tuna can become addicted, which can actually cause a Vitamin E deficiency. More:  
  29. Eating grass rids a cats' system of any fur and helps with digestion. 
  30. Most cat litters contain four to six kittens.
  31. Maine Coons are the most massive breed of house cats. They can weigh up to around 24 pounds.  
  32. A group of kittens is called a "kindle", and "clowder" is a term that refers to a group of adult cats. 
  33. In multi-pet households, cats are able to get along especially well with dogs if they're introduced when the cat is under 6 months old and the dog is under one year old.
  34. Talk about Facetime: Cats greet one another by rubbing their noses together.  
  35. Cats have 24 more bones than humans. 
  36. Some cats can survive falls from as high up as 65 feet or more.  
  37. A third of cats' time spent awake is usually spent cleaning themselves. 
  38. Cats prefer their food at room temperature—not too hot, not too cold.  
  39. Cats have a 5 toes on their front paws and 4 on each back paw. 
  40. Most kittens are born with blue eyes, which then turn color with age.  
  41. If your cat's eyes are closed, it's not necessarily because it's tired. A sign of closed eyes means your cat is happy or pleased. 
  42. In North America, cats are a more popular pet than dogs. Nearly 73 million cats and 63 million dogs are kept as household pets.  
  43. Teeth of cats are sharper when they're kittens. After six months, they lose their needle-sharp milk teeth. 
  44. A kitten with green fur was discovered in Denmark in 1995. Originally thought to be a genetic mutation, scientists later determined it was due to high copper levels in the water supply.  
  45. Bobtails are known to have notably short tails -- about half or a third the size of the average cat. 
  46. Cats' rough tongues enable them to clean themselves efficiently and to lick clean an animal bone.  
  47. Cats CAN be lefties and righties, just like us. More than forty percent of them are, leaving some ambidextrous. 
  48. Cats are unable to detect sweetness in anything they taste.  
  49. As temperatures rise, so do the number of cats. Cats are known to breed in warm weather, which leads many animal advocates worried about the plight of cats under Global Warming. 
  50. A cat's tongue consists of small "hooks," which come in handy when tearing up food.  
  51. A cat sees about six times better than a human at night because of the tapetum lucidum, a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light. 
  52. Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.

(Cat's facts source from

Friday, January 9, 2015

Beauty behind Negative

"Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder", this is the famous quotation by Plato. What does that actually mean? Literal meaning- the perception of beauty is subjective. That which one person finds beautiful or admirable may not appeal to another.
But what does it Really mean? Nowadays perception of beauty is about being skinny with whiter skin and having a big booty plus tons of make up. Some were obsess to fancy and artificial things just to make them look much more beautiful. Yes, literally it looks good outside but how important is the beauty inside? A beautiful woman is not only admired for her physical appearance; she is admired for her inner qualities as well. I still believe men find women more beautiful and attractive when she is simple and confident. Always having the beautiful smile which make her more sexier even with curves or even she haven't washed her face and fixed her hair. Men find her more beautiful when she is smart and have respect to herself as a women. Men can see women's beautiful soul that is kind, gentle, thoughtful and unselfish.

"A truly beautiful woman is not only attractive on the outside and inside, she is also attractive to God. How a woman looks to God is more important than any other quality she possesses because one day her outer beauty will fade and her inner beauty will cease, but the beauty that God sees in her will be important when she stands before Him. Being beautiful to God should be top priority on every woman’s list." (from

Above is my drawing of an eye. The first image is my original sketch of an eye using white colored pencil drawn in black colored paper. It looks like it is in negative picture but in the second image it is switch to negative or inverted mode. I saw it magical as I switched it to negative mode and appreciate the beauty behind it. The second image actually looks like it is the original sketch.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rapunzel mixed up Merida

Can you give her a name? This is my colour pencil drawing of mixed Rapunzel and Merida. I was inspired to make this after seeing a lot of Disney character mixed up. "The Brave" main character Merida has a long, wild, curly, fiery red mane of hair and this made me crazy!!! Hahaha! It took all of my patience after I finished it. Rapunzel from the movie "Tangled" has fair skin with a light tint of blush to it and is mostly known for her golden blonde hair which in length is around 70 feet, but I changed it to Merida's hair. Rapunzel also has light freckles, mostly around her nose, as well as large, bright green eyes, and a playful smile. A perfect combination of two Disney princess.

Butterflies in my stomach!

"Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words 'for ever.' But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don't like doing it."-anon
Who loves butterflies too? So I was inspired to paint butterflies in my old book. I used old book pages to use it as my canvas. Well, it was also my first try to make it in 3D level. Why not try a realistic one? I was also surprised that this is the outcome! I love how the butterflies looks like they are perch in the book pages.

How I missed this kind of feeling when you are in love! Or maybe having a crush during high school days? Haha! It's like you are in a cloud nine while staring at your crush. Your heart beats so fast as he/she comes along your way. His/Her scent, smile, and sparkly eyes! Wow! It's like your butterflies in your jar are setting free for a party! Have you experienced waiting for your crush outside their classroom? Have you memorized his/her class schedule even the breaktime and waited him/her in the canteen? How about standing next to the gate guard while waiting for him/her just to get a glimpse before you got home. How about sitting very close to his/her chair but never next to his/hers? Pretty crazy huh?! But how do we love this kind of feeling of butterflies in our stomach? For me it gives me so much excitement,  inspiration, happiness, thrills and magical! Overwhelming and overflowing feelings.